Author Duels and AMAs and Kickstarters Oh My
Hello friends!
I’m recovering from the Odinsleep here, but here are some fun things to share! If you want the full Tor Tour experience, it turns out that our entire Author Duel at Phoenix Books in Burlington, VT was filmed and has made it onto the web. Check out Elizabeth Bear, Brian Staveley, Jim Cambias, and I in full high-def and well-miked glory!
I’m pretty excited by this—it’s not often that I hear my own voice on a recording without flinching.
I’ve embedded the video above, but embeds don’t seem to transfer very well to the RSS feed or to Goodreads—if you don’t see a video, try watching on Youtube via this link!
Also last week I did an epic four hour long AMA on the fantasy subreddit. I’ve done one of these for each release so far, and it’s been enormously entertaining each time. This round the questions (and answers) were off the wall, and included some excellent speculation on skeleton sex. did a roundup here, and you can read the full AMA here.
Outside of that I’ve been catching up on the many, many balls I dropped while on tour, and starting edits on The Highway Kind, which feels pretty great. I enjoy travel, meeting readers, catching up with friends—but there’s no feeling quite like getting back to The Real Work.
Speaking of The Real Work: Uncanny Magazine is Kickstarting its second year! Lynn and Michael Thomas and their team put together a really fantastic first year of the magazine—I mean, yes, they published a short story by me, so they have that flaw in their judgment, but otherwise Uncanny’s first year collected a great, expansive cast of fantastic writers and poets and artists, and I’m proud to be supporting their second year’s run. I can’t wait to see their plans for Year Two. Check out the Kickstarter! I’m part of two backer rewards: I’m offering a 5,000 word manuscript critique—warning: I ain’t gentle—and a dinner sort of thing—check it out! Uncanny feels to me like a bright vision of where SF is going. Scan their first year if you’re interested, and do consider backing the Kickstarter.